
Sunday, 29 November 2015

How to Make a USB Bootable In Windows

Have an old USB drive ? lying around that you don't use anymore? Turn it into an operating install disk for Windows, Linux or Mac, or a diagnostic tool for your PC. Follow this guide to learn how.

Make A USB Bootable On Any PC

Step 1 :

Open the Command Prompt. You will need to run Command Prompt as an Administrator. Right-click on it and select Run as Administrator. You may need to enter the Administrator password.
  • This method will create a USB drive that is bootable. You can then copy the contents of an operating installation disc onto the drive to create a portable installation drive.
  • This method only works in Windows Vista, 7, and 8.
Click On Start Menu Then Search RUN

Open RUN And Type cmd Then Click OK Button

Step 2 :

Open the disk management utility. This can be opened by entering the command DISKPART.

Step 3 :

Display the connected disks. Type the command list disk to show a list of all the drives connected to your computer. Your USB drive should be listed here as well. Make note of the number next to your USB drive.

Step 4 :

Select the USB drive. Enter the command select disk #, replace “#” with the number from the previous step.

Step 5 :

Clean the flash drive. Enter the command clean to have the disk management utility verify the integrity of the USB drive, and erase all data.

Step 6 :

Create a bootable partition. Once the USB drive is clean, type in create partition primary. You will see a message saying that the operation was successful.

Step 7 :

Select the new partition. Enter the command select partition 1 and press Enter. Once you receive a confirmation message, type active and press Enter. This will activate the partition.

Step 8 :

Format the USB drive. Input the command FORMAT. When you press Enter, the program will work for a few minutes (if it is a small USB, e.g. 4Gb could actually take hours to slow format), and the progress will be displayed as a percentage.

Step 9 :

Assign the USB a drive letter. Enter the command assign to give the thumb drive a letter designation. Type exit to end the disk management program.

Step 10 :

Copy the operating system. 

Once the USB drive has been made bootable, you can copy over the installation files for the operating system you want to install. You can do this by dragging and dropping using your preferred file manager/explorer.
  • Copy over any drivers you might need during the operating system installation to make the process much smoother.


If the USB you are using has data on it, back up all the data on it before going through with this.

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Increase Likes On Your Facebook By Official Liker (It's 100 %Safe)


1.) Likes On Unlimited Status Without Any Time delay.
2.) Only Access Token Needed.
3.) This Works On Exchange Like Rule..
4.) 100% Free Of Scam And Spam.
5.) Will Not Post Anything From Your Account To Any Wall.
6.) Responsive Template For Every Platform.
7.) Quick To Load And Easy To Use.
8.) Simple And Stylish Template.
9.) Hosted On VPS…
10.) Your Access Token Will Be Secure.

Full Step By Step Tutorial:

Step 1 :

 First Of All , Allow Followers To Your Profile And Edit Setting To Public Then Write A Status Or Upload A Pic And Make There Setting Visible To Public As Shown Below.

Step 2 :

Then Open The Website That Is Shown In The Below Pic.

Step 3 :

Now Click On The First (Click Here) Link If You Are New To This Auto liker To Allow The HTC One Official Apps And Your Will Be Redirected To The Following Pages.

Step 4 :

Then Click On These Pages Button To Get Your Access Token. This Link Will Leads You To Move On New Page And Get Your Access Token From That Page Address Bar.

Copy Your Token From Address Bar

Step 5 :

 Now Copy Your Access Token Code Only And Go Back To Auto liker Main Page And Enter Your Token To That Input Field And Click “Submit” To Proceed Forward.

Step 6 :

After Proceeding, You Will Experience The Follow Page There.

Step 7 :

Now Click On Green Button Named “Use Official Liker” As Seen IN The Below Screen Shot.

Step 7 :

  1. And Then You Will Be Redirected To The Following Page. (Status Tab Will Be Open As Default)
  2.  If You Will Click On “Photo” Tab In The Black Menu Bar Then You Will Experience The Below One. Here You Can Choose Your Desired Image From Your Public Album.
  3.  If You Will Click On “Custom Post ID” Tab In The Black Menu Bar Then You Will Experience The Below One. Here You Can Any ID Of Your Status/Photo/Video From Old To New To Get Likes.
Then Set Number Of Likes And Click On Custom ID

Step 8 :

 Now Click In Front Of Your Status/Photo Or Get Your Desired Post/Status/Video/Photo ID Codes.

Copy Custom ID

Then Paste

Then Click On Submit Button

Step 9 :

1. Now After Some Time You Will Be Redirected On Main page And A Message “Success Fully Liked , Please Wait 15 Minutes For Next Submit” Will Be Show There.
2. Check Out Your Likes Count, Don’t Worry If You Have Low Because It Will Remain Increasing About 15-30 Min. Check Again Later Or Try Later..
3. Now If You Want Likes On Other ID, Just Reload The Page And You Have Full Rights To Get Likes Again With 15 Minutes Time Delay. Don’t Forget To Share This.

When Your Work Is Complete Click On LOGOUT Button.

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How to Clean out Your Gmail Inbox

Have you opened your Gmail inbox, only to discover that you have gradually accumulated hundreds or even thousands of emails? Did it seem like a difficult choice: delete all your old messages and lose the record of all your important emails, or archive them all and keep a bunch of junk you never read for good reason? Luckily, Gmail has some simple but powerful tools to help you search and manage huge numbers of emails.

Method I : Clean All Read Mail

Step 1 :

Login to your Gmail account.

Step 2 :

Next, click in the Gmail search box. Type in:inbox is:read (without quotes) Then, click the blue Search Mail button. You will now see a few of the most recent emails you have actually read.

Step 3 :

Find the checkbox button for selecting messages at the top left of the results. Click it. A drop down box will appear that has the options, "Select: All, None, Read, Unread, Starred, Un-starred". Click on "All" to select all the emails that match your search. All the emails on the page will be checked and highlighted.

Step 4 :

Click the link at the top of the list that says, "Select all conversations that match this search." This will make sure you have selected even the messages that don't fit on the first page of results.

Step 5 :

Click the "Archive" button at the top of the email area. Now all of your read emails have been saved to your archive, where they can be searched but where they won't clutter up your inbox.


Method IIClean Unread Messages Older Than a Certain Date

Step 1 :

Decide how far back you want to check your unread emails for important messages you might have missed. This will depend on how much time you have to spend on the project, and how fast your unread email tends to accumulate. 1 to 3 months is a good rule of thumb. If the email is older than that, either it was important enough that the sender will try to reach you again, or it no longer matters. For illustration, let's choose a date of August 1st 2009.

Step 2 :

Type "in:inbox before:2012/01/01" (use whatever date you have chosen) in the search box, and click "Search". The format of the date is important. It must be in the form YYYY/MM/DD, with all 4 digits of the year listed first, then the month with two digits, and finally the date with two digits.

Step 3 :

Select all of these messages by clicking "All" then "Select all conversations that match this search", just like you did below.

Step 4 :

Take a deep breath, and click "Delete" to remove all the messages. Press "OK" on the confirmation box. All the messages will be moved to your trash.

Step 5 :

Click "Inbox" on the navigation bar next to your email list. You should now have nothing but the most recent unread messages.
  • Scan through your unread mail for important messages you may have missed. Respond, archive, or delete to get them out of your inbox.
  • Repeat the steps above, but type "in:inbox is:unread" (without quotes) into your Gmail search box. Select all and delete using the methods described below.

Step 6 :

All the emails you have deleted will stay in your Trash for about a month. If you think of something you might need to recover in this time, search your Trash folder by using the search term "in:trash" followed by the message you want to recover. When you find the message, click Move and select Inbox from the list. The message will be moved to your inbox.

Step 7 :

Congratulate yourself, and resolve to never let your inbox overflow again!Read your emails and respond, archive, or delete them promptly from now on or use the methods above to prevent messages from overflowing in your inbox again.


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How to Log on to Windows XP Using the Default Blank Administrator Password

How to Log on to Windows XP Using the Default Blank Administrator Password

Here is a simple way to access Windows XP with Administrator rights and privileges if you have password protected your User account on your Windows XP system and can't remember the password(s) to login. Whenever Windows XP is installed on a system, it creates a default account called "Administrator" and by default this account is not password protected. Therefore, if you bought a brand name computer (such as Dell, HP, Compaq or Sony)or you have installed Windows XP yourself. You should be able to login to the computer through the unprotected Administrator account. When you installed Windows XP (or when the people who sold you the computer installed it), it created an administrative account automatically. This account has NO password by default, and can be used to access everything in the computer. By accessing it, you can change any password on the system.

Step 1 :
Reboot Your Machine

Step 2 :

Press F8 before the Windows boot screen appears. Do not press F5 as used on the NT/9x versions of Windows. You will be be prompted with a boot options menu.

Step 3 :

Select The Safe Mode Option

Step 4 :

Click through several self-explanatory screens until your reach the familiar 'Welcome' screen.
  • Note that this welcome screen is limited to 256 colors and 640x480 resolution because the primary graphics will have been set to the Windows Safe Mode software VGA adapter. You will not be able to change this mode even in Display options, while Windows is running in Safe Mode.

Find the icon for the Administrator user. If the default settings of your system haven't been changed, there should be no password for this account

Step 5 :

The Safe Mode Welcome screen might display some of the other users on your system.

Press Yes at the prompt asking if you would like to continue using Safe Mode.

Step 6 :

Open up the command shell. Press START, click RUN, and type in CMD, press ENTER. This will bring up a window likely unfamiliar to you. This is the command line, it allows you to 

manage files or change settings without restriction (no restriction on the administrative account). Before the graphical environment of Windows, this is what Microsoft users used.

Step 7 :

Change the password of the account. Type in (without the quotes, and yes, the asterisk (*) is necessary) "net user (username) *". It will ask you to type in a password, then to retype it. You just changed the password!

Step 8 :

Log in. Exit the command shell dialogue, don't type in anything else if you don't know what you're doing, you could really hose down your computer. Log out of the administrative account, then log back in to your account with the new password.

Step 9 :

Reboot your computer. As long as you don't press any keys (e.g. F8) during the boot-up the computer will start up normally.

Step 10 :

Login as the user for which you set the password.


  • A much simpler method is simply to rename or delete the SAM file (renaming is safer). For this you need to boot the box using some other operating system on a CD and then mount the drive (otherwise Windows locks the SAM file and won't let you touch it). NTFSDOS is also a good utility for this purpose. Find the SAM file and change the first character. After you reboot, all the accounts are still there, but they all have null passwords.
    • Note: if you rename the SAM file on XP SP2, when you reboot, XP fails to initialize and forces you to reboot in safe mode. However when you boot into safe mode you get the same message, so don't try this method on XP SP2.
  • You can access the Administrator account through the login prompt without logging into safe mode. If the computer utilizes the welcome screen instead of the standard NT domain login prompt, you can press Ctrl + Alt + Del twice to get to the login prompt. This is only true if you are running Windows XP Professional Edition. Windows XP Home Edition will also allow you to use this method to log on.
  • The SysInternals ERD Commander product used to change the admin password seems to have been discontinued, however there are many other options out there for resetting the password so long as you are willing to spend a little money.
  • Boot from the CD and select the locksmith option to change whatever password you like.
  • There is a way to crack the windows "SAM" and system files. To retrieve the original passwords Monitor, you need a program such as LC5 installed on a computer, and the SAM file in C:\WINDOWS\system32\config. If LC5 is not installed on the computer that you forgot to, you need to install it with a disk through DOS, not Windows, because as soon as the hard drive starts windows it is using the file so you can't copy it.
  • Some users are smart enough to password protect their Administrator account when they install windows. If that's the case, you'll have to know that password in order for this method to work.

  • This whole process is pointless if you know the administrator's password as you can easily remove passwords without going into safe mode. Assuming that your PC only has one user profile with administrative powers.
  • You must own the computer and be licensed to use the operating system. You must also have Administrative rights to the entire library of information on the disk. Otherwise accessing Windows Administrator and changing passwords could be construed as illegal entry and electronic trespass in a court of law. Use these instructions for ethical purposes only, please.
  • This method may or may not work with machines running XP SP2, you will need to use safe mode with networking instead.

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